How to make your business stand out  

Does your business stand out from a sea full of others? 58% of consumers are not brand loyal. That means you are constantly in competition for your customer’s money and attention. In today’s competitive market, you’ve got to stand out in order to succeed. The marketplace is a noisy place and your ‘new’ idea is being developed by people next to you, behind you and so forth. You are not the first person to build a new business and come up with a new business idea. As a result, standing out and finding your feet in the market is difficult. However, there are things you can do to boost your brand name and stand out from your competitors. Here are some of the best ways to make your business stand out in a noisy marketplace… 

Strong Business Plan 

Setting out the foundations for your business and creating a document that can be accessed by your team will create a strong, aligned business. Noting business values, goals, initiatives so that the business can create a vision is vital. A detailed business plan can also give an image of the future and motivate team members to work towards that vision. The business plan should be shared to create alignment within the organisation and ensure everyone is following the same values and motives as this is reflected in the service you give.  

Create Trademarks  

Do you have a trademark for your business? Branding your business creates a voice and recognition for your organisation. First impressions will always count. Creating a unique logo and name will differentiate you from your competitors. Take Starbucks for example. The logo is a mermaid, what does this have to do with coffee? Nothing! But it is recognisable and unique to their brand. Another way of creating trademarks is creating phrases that represent your brand. Catchy phrases such as “because I’m worth it” by L’oreal are ways of standing out and being memorable.  

Online Presence  

97% of consumers find businesses online. Check out one of our recent blogs on how to boost your brand’s online presence. Everything is online and is the best place to engage with customers and attract a wide range of people. Boosting your online presence will increase the chances of your business leads. One of the best ways to promote your brand is through taking advantage of social media platforms and create eye-catching, engaging content. This is also the best way to keep your customers in the loop with your brand and returning to your service.  

Great Customer Service  

Do you prioritise your customer service? In order to carry out great customer service, the team must have the same values and practice this during their role. The reason customers keep coming back to an organisation is from their overall experience and the ethics behind a business. Customer service should be at the core of your focus as your customers are your business!  

To Conclude… 

Standing out in a competitive market is difficult. A business idea alone is not going to succeed. You need to take into account what your customers want, where is the easiest way to find your business, what is your niche, what is your brand colours and be consistent with these. Create a strong business plan, build your online presence with effective trademarks, and provide excellent customer service to ensure you’re always doing the most! For more tips on how to build your business, contact us today at 01792 722123 or email us at 

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