Email Marketing for your SMB
Are you taking advantage of all the benefits Email marketing can do for your SMB? The number of active email users is forecasted to reach 4.3 billion in 2023. Email marketing is fast becoming a platform with an enormous audience which you don’t want to miss out on! Email marketing has been around for years, but do you truly understand the benefits that it has, and how it can contribute to your business growth? Here are 6 key points of how we believe email marketing can benefit you.
- Generate more leads
- Building strong relationships
- Reaching the right people at the right time
- Own your contact list
- Email Analytics
Generate more leads
Every business is constantly looking for ways to generate more leads, right? 59% of organisations say emailing is the best platform for effective lead generation. It is a great way for you to generate leads as it allows you to attract the attention of your audience and nurture relationships with them. Don’t miss out on this powerful marketing tool!
Build strong relationships
When running a business, there’s nothing more important than your relationship with your customers! After all, you wouldn’t be a business without them. Email Marketing is an effective way for you to deliver strong customer service and build a relationship forming trust and value. Make your emails stand out by making them friendly, humorous, and personable. Always remember that they’re your priority!
Reaching the right people at the right time
10% of followers on Facebook pages and profiles will see your content, whereas the click-through rate for email marketing is up to 25%. If you aren’t using email marketing, you’re missing a trick. Timing is key, you want to get your audience at their golden time. Email marketing allows you to reach your audience directly and at the right timings. Set up an email campaign and grab your audience!
Own your contact list
Start building up your contact list! By continuously growing your contact list, you will build up a huge audience which you can target. By including sign-up pages on your website you will be able to build up more emails for your list resulting in a bigger chance of lead generation. You will have these email contacts for life and it’ll only get bigger and bigger! The bigger your contact list = the higher the chance of generating more leads for your SMB. Other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram own your pages and content, if anything was going to happen to their sites everything would be lost.
Email Analytics
Why not take advantage of email analytics as you’ll be able to determine how your business is doing and set realistic aims and objectives for the future. By keeping a close eye on analytics, it will allow you to nail down your marketing and improve the areas which aren’t doing well. You will be able to establish the best times to email your audience, the types of emails you’re getting more responses from, and the delivery and click-through rate.
Let’s wrap this up…
Have you been shocked by all the benefits of email marketing? Email marketing is a tool that every business should be utilising. It is proven to be powerful and effective, with its low cost and incredible opportunities for lead generation. It is a marketing method which is here to stay! Take the first step today and get in contact with a team member at We can help you build a marketing list, or come up with a marketing campaign. We’re happy to help!

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